mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Charlotte raspberry


- 16 biscuits
- 150 g of frozen raspberry coulis
- 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
- 1 pinch of ginger powder
- 1/2 liter of raspberry sorbet with pieces
- 1/2 liter of strawberry sorbet with pieces
- 1/2 liter of vanilla ice cream macaron
- Some red fruits
- Light spray cream for decoration

Method of preparation

- Line the mold stretch paper for easy release
- Dip the biscuits in the juice and line the mold
- Fill the mold half ice pack with the back of a spoon
- Pour the raspberry coulis
- Place a layer of biscuits dipped in juice
- Fill out the remainder of the mold with ice
- Finish with a layer of biscuits dipped
- Freeze and plan to get out of the freezer at least 2 hours before leaving the fridge.


2hours ---> Cooking time: 20 minutes - Extra Time : 1day freezer

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